Network Penetration Testing

Protect your network greatly with Cyber Suraksa and stay ahead of cybercriminals with our expert solutions of Network Penetration Testing.


When companies use technology to improve the way they work, it is important to make sure that their computer network is safe and secure. To make sure of its well working and safety, a special test is done to see if there are any weaknesses that hackers could use to get into the network and steal important information. It is called Network Penetration testing. Cyber Suraksa brings the service of Network Penetration Testing to assure your network is completely safe from any harm.


Network Penetration Testing is a practical step to remove all the cyber threats and Cyber Suraksa focuses on practical solutions to treat the loopholes online. With top-notch expertise and proper security measures, our company’s highest aim is to build an effective digital world without any negative elements. 

Why does your business need Network Penetration Testing

Why does your business need Network Penetration Testing?

Network Penetration Testing is crucial to safeguard a business network system against cyber threats and attacks. Firstly, it reduces the risks of threats and attacks by identifying vulnerabilities in the network and providing solutions to mitigate them. Secondly, it enhances business productivity by ensuring that the network is always available and functioning optimally. Thirdly, it advances the network’s cybersecurity by implementing the latest security protocols and technologies. 

Finally, it protects against data theft and disclosure which is crucial for businesses that deal with sensitive information.

Why choose Cyber Suraksa for Network Penetration Testing?

Choosing us can benefit you in different ways:

  • For the expertise, experience and specialized knowledge in network penetration testing. We are well-equipped to handle security threats and mitigate risks.

  • To meet your business’s compliance requirements effectively and efficiently.

  • To receive all the network security services at a reasonable cost.

  • To exceed the limitations of simple testing in the market as Cyber Suraksa offers advanced testing in network systems.

Why choose Cyber Suraksa for Network Penetration Testing


Cost Effective

Reduction in risks
Reduction in risks
Protection against cyber threats
Customized solutions
Customized solutions
Effective compliance


The pen testing specialists at Cyber Suraksha collaborate with your organization’s key personnel to determine the testing’s scope, which inc ludes the devices, servers, and remote endpoints to be evaluated.

In this phase, the pen testing team deploys discovery tools to gather information about the network and conducts network fingerprinting and enumeration to identify system components, devices, and software in use.

Our team of ethical hackers use advanced offensive techniques to search for vulnerabilities in the organization’s network, using both automated and manual scanning methods. This includes identifying and categorizing key assets according to their threat level.

Our pen-testing team attempts to exploit an organization’s security measures to identify real-world risks by bypassing security controls and firewalls through manual testing tactics, which can include credential harvesting, leveraging outdated software and known vulnerabilities, and network sniffing.

After completing the pen testing, the team collects relevant data and prepares a detailed report that prioritizes vulnerabilities and provides remediation guidance.


Any Questions?

Check out the FAQs

Still have unanswered question and need to get in touch?

Why is network penetration testing important for businesses?

It is important for businesses to identify and mitigate risks in the network infrastructure.

How is network penetration testing performed?

It is performed by simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the network and then exploiting them to gain unauthorized access.

What are the common vulnerabilities discovered during a network penetration test?

The common vulnerabilities include weak passwords, outdated software, misconfigured systems and unsecured network services.

How often should a business conduct penetration testing?

It is recommended for businesses to conduct penetration testing at least once a year for the best results.

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